Financial Tools
NPSC wants to be sure that every store owner in our network has the understanding and the tools to financially manage their businesses. Joe Reilly has been a speaker on financial matters at our Expo on multiple occasions and is an accountant to a number of our store owners. Joe understands the business of pharmacy and those things you are interested in knowing. We asked Joe if he would develop tools for our website that anyone in our network could use to get a picture of where their business is financially before the accountant arrives. This area is interactive – please use it and let us know what you think!
The tools are based on financial ratio analysis and fall into three general categories: Operational, Income and Balance Sheet analysis. Financial ratios are typically used in comparing financial performance between businesses in the same industry. The financial information required for input is available in your business Income Statement and Balance Sheet or your business tax return. The tools commentary section includes comparative metrics for independent pharmacies, most of which is drawn from the NCPA Digest.
The Operational tools provide analysis and comparative results and include inventory management, payroll management, gross profit, productivity measures for labor and square footage.
The Income related tools include a simplified breakeven point calculator and net income calculator.
The Balance Sheet Analysis tools include ratio analysis for asset efficiency, debt management and accounts receivable analysis.
Joe Reilly is available to address questions you may have on your results and can be reached at 781-545-6800.
The foregoing financial discussion is not to be regarded as financial advice in any form. Rather, its contents consist of information that reflects generalized views of actions a pharmacy may take on its own to examine its financial position from time to time. Actual accounting and financial advice should always be sought from the pharmacy’s own financial professional who knows and understands the individual operations and circumstances of the pharmacy. The tools described in the foregoing financial discussion are suggested for use by the pharmacy for its own internal financial management. Accordingly, please be aware that no personal or corporate liability will arise from that use as to Mr. Reilly and/or Joseph P. Reilly, inc. including its directors, officers, employees and agents.