Productivity Metrics

This tool evaluates two Productivity Metrics: Sales Efficiency and Sales per Square Foot. Sales Efficiency measures sales per employee. You need to convert your staff into Full Time Equivalents (FTE), one FTE for each 40 hours of labor. Square footage is straightforward, simply the number of square feet in the pharmacy.

Annual Sales:

From Income Statement


Number of FTEs:

Total labor hours divided by 40


Pharmacy Square Footage:

Total Square footage for the pharmacy


Sales per FTE:

Total Current Assets from the Balance Sheet

Sales per Square Foot: $

How does your pharmacy compare?

Per the 2013 NCPA Digest, Sales per Employee averaged between $314,000 to $507,000 with the higher volume pharmacies seeing significantly higher sales per employee. The median for a $4,000,000 pharmacy was in the range of $450,000 – $475,000 per FTE. Sales per square foot are approximately $1,000 per square foot. For both cases, the higher your result the better. Pharmacies with significant space devoted to “Front Store Sales” have significantly lower results for Sales per Square Foot.